Wednesday, October 24, 2007

REALTORS® Disappointed that Public Opinion on Land Transfer Tax Ignored

Toronto’s REALTORS® are concerned about the potential impact of the City ofToronto’s recently approved second land transfer tax and disappointed that the public’s opinion of this tax wasignored.
“REALTORS® have been working hard to provide the facts about this unfair idea and the public respondedwith action. An overwhelming majority of Torontonians believe that this tax is a bad idea,” said MaureenO’Neill, President of the Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB). “The public made their voices heard loud and clearbut, unfortunately, they were ignored.”
A poll conducted by the Environics Research Group, commissioned in part by TREB, showed that 62 per centof Torontonians think that a land transfer tax is an unfair solution to the City’s financial challenge and that 61per cent of Torontonians wanted their Councillor to vote against it.
“Torontonians deserve to be treated fairly. A second land transfer tax is an extremely unfair way to addressthe City’s financial challenges. It forces a relatively small group, home buyers, to pay for services foreveryone. That, simply, is unfair,” added O’Neill.
TREB also raised concerns about the potential impact of a second land transfer tax.
“Home ownership is something that the City should be trying to encourage, not discourage. The second landtransfer tax will make it more difficult for people to achieve that dream and it could hurt property values forsome current home owners,” said O’Neill. “It could also have far-reaching impacts on the City’s wholeeconomy by reducing the amount of money that home buyers have to spend on things like furniture,renovations, and energy-efficiency upgrades.”
TREB is disappointed that the City is choosing new taxes instead of more prudent solutions. Specifically, TREBbelieves that the City should have waited for the Mayor’s panel to report on alternative options. TheEnvironics poll showed that 78 per cent of Torontonians think that City Council should have waited until theMayor’s panel finished its work before deciding on new taxes.
“This is a classic example of putting the cart before the horse: tax now, save later. That, simply, doesn’tmake sense,” said O’Neill. “The Mayor appointed a panel to look for savings and other options and weapplaud him for that. The panel is something that TREB, and the public, called for, but they should have beenallowed to finish their work so that fair options could have been considered instead of a land transfer tax.”
TREB has consistently supported fair options for dealing with the City’s financial challenges, including a morefair deal with senior levels of government, and continues to support City efforts in this regard.
“Unfortunately, we disagree with the City on the land transfer tax, and we will continue to oppose it. Wecontinue to believe that it is not fair,” said O’Neill. “Let’s not forget that this tax doesn’t solve the City’sfinancial challenge. We look forward to working with the City towards fair solutions. We will continue to pushfor a fair deal for Toronto from senior levels of government, as we always have.”
Toronto REALTORS® are passionate about their work. They adhere to a strict code of ethics and share astate-of-the-art Multiple Listing Service. Serving more than 26,000 Members in the Greater TorontoArea, the Toronto Real Estate Board is Canada’s largest real estate board. Greater Toronto Area openhouse listings are available on

Source: Toronto Real Estate Board

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October housing activity confirms consumer confidence in real estate market

Resale housing activity substantially outpaced mid-October results from a year ago, Toronto Real Estate Board President Maureen O’Neill announced today.
“There were 3,297 sales reported to mid-month, which is a 10 per cent increase over the 3,007 homes sold during the same period last year,” Ms. O’Neill said. “We are on course to rival October’s best result, which was in 2003 with 7,227 sales.”
In Riverdale (E01) the number of transactions to mid-month jumped 29 per cent compared to the same timeframe a year ago due to strong sales in all housing types.
Streetsville East (W19) saw a significant increase in the sale of semi-detached homes, which helped push overall sales up 48 per cent compared to mid-October 2006.
A combination of strong condominium and detached home transactions drove Willowdale’s (C07) mid-month sales to an overall increase of 83 per cent.
At the northern edge of TREB’s reporting area, Innisfil (N23) saw sales to mid-month double as compared mid-October 2006, driven mainly by the sale of detached homes.
Meanwhile, the average price rose to $399,013, up nine per cent over the $364,364 recorded to the middle of September. This figure is also 13 per cent higher than the first half of October last year when the average price stood at $353,677.
“While mid-month figures simply provide a snapshot of current activity, we are encouraged that sales remain robust. The activity we have seen this autumn shows that consumers continue to have a great deal of well-founded confidence in the housing market,” said Ms. O’Neill. “There’s no question that home ownership is the best long-term investment you can make.”
However, if the City of Toronto imposes a second land transfer tax, this could have far reaching impacts on the City’s economy. “A doubling of land transfer taxes could impact the market and will reduce the amount of money home buyers spend,” noted Ms. O’Neill.
Toronto REALTORS® are passionate about their work. They adhere to a strict code of ethics and share a state-of-the-art Multiple Listing Service. Serving more than 26,000 Members in the Greater Toronto Area, the Toronto Real Estate Board is Canada’s largest real estate board. Greater Toronto Area open house listings are available on

Source: Toronto Real Estate Board

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

September Resale Market Shows Strength

The Greater Toronto Area resale housing market continued its strong, stable pace in September with 6,866 transactions taking place, Toronto Real Estate Board President Maureen O’Neill announced today.
This marks an increase of four per cent as compared to September 2006 and is within six per cent of the record set for the month in 2005.
Prices increased to an average $380,132, up five per cent over the previous month.“Year-to-date sales are up 11 per cent as compared to the same timeframe in our record year 2005,” said Ms. O’Neill. “This bodes well for a strong outcome to this year.”
In Scarborough Center (E09), sales were up 38 per cent as compared to September 2006, due to a significant increase in the number of detached homes sold.
Sales in High Park (W02) increased by 34 per cent as compared to last September, mainly as a result of a tremendous increase in the sale of semi-detached units.
Condominium apartment transactions led the way to a 64 per cent overall increase in sales in Willowdale (C07).
Richmond Hill South (N03) also saw a strong number of condominium apartment sales, which resulted in an overall increase of 26 per cent as compared to September 2006.“Resale housing numbers in the GTA have been consistently positive, reflecting a healthy market,” said Ms. O’Neill. “We hope that the City of Toronto doesn't jeopardize this market by imposing a second land transfer tax on home buyers."
Toronto REALTORS® are passionate about their work. They adhere to a strict code of ethics and share a state-of-the-art Multiple Listing Service. Serving more than 26,000 Members in the Greater Toronto Area, the Toronto Real Estate Board is Canada’s largest real estate board. Greater Toronto Area open house listings are available on

Source: Toronto Real Estate Board